Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Being Thankful, A Story About Living

 *11/26 - I have made an update to this post, go all the way to the end to read it.

I am sitting here thinking about all the things going on in the world and my battle with diabetes.  This may not be the place to share this but tonight I am so THANKFUL that I am going to anyway.

You see I have fought every inch of the way to become a photographer, not just a photographer but a photographer who takes my passion and makes it into images that bring smiles to peoples faces and images that can proudly grace your walls.

While I have scrapped and worked from the time I got up in the morning to about the time I go to bed at night at growing and developing my skills I have also been battling diabetes.  For years it has been out of control and meds did not seem to help.  It got to the point where I gave up trying but still found the drive to perfect my photography skills.  I wanted to leave something, achieve something, contribute something, so photography became my driving force.  I love seeing clients excited over their images, prints, canvases and books.  I was able to make a little difference in other peoples lives with what I do but I knew my health was getting to  a serious stage but had little hope that it would ever get better.

That is until one of my sisters shared a DVD about a raw vegan diet that has been working very well for diabetics.  I cried as I watched the DVD with the success stories of people getting off their meds and I started to feel that there may be hope after all.  I decided to try this way of eating, lol, I will tell you , it wasn't easy but I did it.  After all this was my quality of life I was fighting for.

I started in mid Sept of 2010 and worked at making adjustments and learning how to prepare new meals. I started testing my blood again everyday and as I saw how high my sugars were really wondered if this would work for me.  My family was very supportive and helped me deal with making such huge changes.  After having blood sugars of over 550, drop to the mid 300's and then the mid sometimes low 200's I was thinking this is working!  I hovered in the 200's for several weeks and then went to see my Dr.

While this was great improvement I knew the readings were still too high.  My Dr decided, with me in agreement to at least for now try me on a med again.  I started taking 1 pill a day the end of last week, my sugar started coming down, under 200 in the last 3 days.

Tonight 2 hours after eating it was down to ....drum roll...123!  I still have some work to do but there is hope and I can now envision having many more years to work at my  photography and bringing smiles and excitement to my customers faces!  So while this doesn't really pertain to photography, it does, it's my story, my hope, my life and my dream which includes photography :)!  I should add that I am enjoying a lot of the foods I am now eating and don't miss a lot of the old foods I use to eat. Although, when my husband makes his incredible meatballs and gravy....that is a real challenge  and so hard to resist! lol

So appropriate at this time of the year, a HUGE THANK you to my husband and family for your support and love through all the adjustments.  I am THANKFUL VERY THANKFUL....... Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
**   I am not affiliated with Dr Cousens nor do I earn anything from this post.  I know it worked for me and  enough people have ask about what I did and how I did it that I am going to share this information.  I wish you the best of life and much success in your endeavors to be healthy!
Dr  Gabriel Cousens web site

Dr Gabriel Cousens book is titled - There is a cure for diabetes.  This is a wonderful book filled with great information.  There is also a DVD called Simply Raw, reversing diabetes
I hope you find this information helpful as I did.  It has changed my life, no, wait, it has given me back my life :) - Rosemary Taglialatela

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